You are Royalty

Fruit of the Spirit: You have been chosen by God to be royalty, a child of the King. Just as you are called to declare God’s praises through your new identity you are also called to exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit, reflecting the character of Christ and glorifying God through your actions and attitudes.

You are a Shining Star

Verse of the Day:  Philippians 2:15

Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.

Fruit of the Spirit: Be who God created you to be, a bright and shining light in a dark world, leading others to Christ through your Faithfulness as you display the Fruits of the Spirit.

You Are the Light of the World

Verse of the Day:  Matthew 5:14       

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.           

Fruit of the Spirit: Your relationship with the Lord is personal but He wants your Goodness and Kindness to shine as a light for the world to see. Be an example of God’s Love and mercy for the world to see.

A Soul on Fire

Verse of the Day:  2 Timothy 1:6       

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.        

Fruit of the Spirit: When your soul is on fire it is compared to having a Faithful passion and zeal for God, His Word, and His purpose in your life through the gift of the Holy Spirit which enables you to bear good Fruit.

Be an Overcomer

Verse of the Day:  Romans 12:21     

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.  

Fruit of the Spirit: Don’t repay evil for evil, instead Love your enemies, pray for them, and let Goodness overcome evil as you promote Peace in your daily life.

Relationship Goals

Verse of the Day:  1 John 5:20          

We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.     

Fruit of the Spirit: Our goal in life should be to really get to know Christ by having a deep and personal relationship with Him. Jesus’ life is an example of the Fruit of the Spirit which we are called to develop in our own lives through our relationship with Jesus.

Christ Completes You

Verse of the Day:  Ephesians 3:19    

May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.  Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Fruit of the Spirit: If you want to fill that empty feeling in your heart, try Jesus. There is an old song by Lanny Wolfe that reminds us that only Jesus can complete us. “He’ll give you Peace you never knew, sweet Love and Joy and heaven too, for only Jesus can satisfy your soul.

A Friend in Jesus

Verse of the Day:  John 15:15           

I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

Fruit of the Spirit: You can trust Jesus as your Savior, serve Him as your King and depend on Him as your friend. Jesus always wants the best for you and you can always count on Him to be there for you. The Fruit of the Spirit develops in you by growing closer in your relationship with Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in your life.

Not Just a Sunday Event

Verse of the Day: Psalm 91:1

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  

Fruit of the Spirit: When we choose God to be our shelter from the storms of life we find rest and Peace in His Loving arms. This is not just a Sunday event, this is a life-long journey and an intimate relationship.

God is with You in Every Season

Verse of the Day:  Ecclesiastes 3:1  

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.        

Fruit of the Spirit: Everything has a time and a season. Experiencing good and bad times in our lives is normal and is to be expected, but when the Holy Spirit lives in you, you are able to experience Love, Peace, and Joy through every season.