Do the Right Thing

Verse of the Day:  Isaiah 1:17           

Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.         

Fruit of the Spirit: You have been given gifts to serve others and to do what is right. Be a Faithful steward of God’s grace by using your gifts to do the right thing for others. Express Love for others by defending the troubled. Show Kindness and Gentleness by caring for the children and the widows. Do what you can, when you can, for as many as you can.

Your Thoughts and Character

Verse of the Day:  Philippians 4:8     

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praise worthy think about such things.         

Fruit of the Spirit: Your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits and your habits become your character. If you want to see the Fruit of the Spirit develop in your life, keep your thoughts focused on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praise worthy.

God’s Ways

Verse of the Day:  Psalm 119:15       

I will meditate on your precepts, and contemplate your ways.

Fruit of the Spirit: God’s ways are pure and good and they are always better than our own. Spending time meditating on God’s Word and how you can apply His Word to your life will bring you inner Peace. Keep God’s Word in your heart and let it guide your steps through life.

Peaceful Nights

Verse of the Day:  Psalm 3:5 

I lie down and sleep: I wake again because the Lord sustains me. 

Fruit of the Spirit: Even in the battles there is Peace because God is with you. When you give all your cares, fears, and troubles to the Lord, He will give you rest for your soul. God will allow you to lie down and sleep Peacefully knowing that He is in control and He is working everything out for the good of those who love Him.

True Peace

Verse of the Day:  John 14:27   

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Fruit of the Spirit: There is no need to be troubled or afraid because Jesus is the Prince of Peace and has given you the Peace that is revealed in the Gospel. He’s left you Peace that was paid for with His precious blood when He gave His life for you on Calvary. By Faith you are able to receive the precious gift of Peace that is Jesus Christ Himself.

Let Go, Let God

Verse of the Day:  Psalm 46:10         

Be still, and know that I am God       

Fruit of the Spirit: We are often tempted to try and work everything out for ourselves but what we really need to do is to just let go and give it all to God. When you are struggling to make things work out the way you want them to just stop, be still, wait Patiently without fear, and experience Peace as you abide in His Word and let God’s sovereign will be done.

Overlook an Offense

Verse of the Day:  Proverbs 19:11    

A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.          

Fruit of the Spirit: We don’t necessarily have to agree with everyone, but we do need to be Kind. Wise people are Patient when others act offensively towards them. They don’t act or speak without thinking first. It doesn’t mean they accept what is contrary to their values and beliefs. It means they take time to evaluate the situation and act accordingly with Patience and integrity.

Guilt, Shame, and Forgiveness

Verse of the Day:  Psalm 51:1-2       

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.

Fruit of the Spirit: When you ask God for forgiveness, you can let go of the guilt and shame you’ve been carrying around because God will forgive you and wipe your slate clean. Jesus has already paid for your sin so when you repent and seek forgiveness and experience God’s mercy it will lead to a transformation of your heart, producing the Fruit of the Spirit in your life.

Pray for All People

Verse of the Day:  1 Timothy 2:1       

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people

Fruit of the Spirit: We don’t always know what people are going through but we can be sure that they can always use our prayers and we can be confident that no prayer is ever wasted. Take time to pray for your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. Pray for your pastor and your church. Pray for our leaders and people in authority and while you’re at it, pray for your enemies as well. Praying for someone is an act of Love and Kindness.

Finding the Good

Verse of the Day:  Proverbs 11:27    

Whoever seeks good finds favor, but evil comes to one who searches for it.

Fruit of the Spirit: Pursuing what is Good and Kind will put you in a position of favor from both God and people but if you’re always looking for the negative that’s exactly what you’ll find. live a positive and optimistic life by trying to find the Good in all people and making the best of things in all situations.