Happy Thanksgiving!

Verse of the Day:  1 Chronicles 29:13          

Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.           

Fruit of the Spirit: Thankfulness and praise may not be specifically listed as Fruits of the Spirit, but they are closely connected in the sense that gratitude often leads to praise, Love, Joy, and Peace. When we recognize and appreciate the blessings in our lives, we are moved to give thanks and praise to God for the goodness and provisions we receive from Him when we are guided by the Holy Spirit. Even when things in our lives are not perfect, there is always something to be thankful for. As we give thanks to the Lord today let’s remember that God is good all the time and we should be thankful, not only this day, but every day of the year. May God bless you and your loved ones today and always. Happy Thanksgiving!