Don’t Wait for Perfect Conditions

Verse of the Day: Ecclesiastes 11:4

Those who watch the wind blow will never sow, and those who observe the clouds will never reap.

If you’re waiting for everything to be perfect – the perfect time, the perfect people, the perfect job, or whatever it may be – before you begin pursuing your God-given dreams (your purpose), you might never get started. Don’t be afraid because God is by your side, and He will provide you with everything you need to fulfill His plans. It’s perfectly fine to start small; the important thing is that you’re taking the first step and sowing the seeds of your dreams. Don’t be discouraged by mistakes; they simply indicate that you’re trying instead of just waiting for the right moment. So, don’t wait for everything to be flawless; start with what you already know and what you have at this moment. Release your fears, take a leap of faith, and trust that God will pave the way for you.