Ruth: Hard Work and Diligence

Bible Verse: Ruth 2:7

She said, ‘Please let me glean and gather among the sheaves behind the harvesters.’ She came into the field and has remained here from morning till now, except for a short rest in the shelter.

Ruth is portrayed as a diligent worker, tirelessly gleaning in the fields from morning until evening, despite trailing behind the harvesters. Her primary concern is providing for herself and Naomi, displaying admirable dedication. It is during this time that Boaz takes notice of her, recognizing her hard work and virtue, he finds favor in her. Aware of Ruth’s devotion to her mother-in-law Naomi, who is his relative by marriage, Boaz extends kindness towards Ruth. He ensures she has an abundance to eat and instructs his workers to intentionally leave extra grain for her to gather. Ruth diligently gathers all she can and shares the bounty with Naomi, recounting her encounter with Boaz. Throughout the harvest season, Ruth perseveres at her work in the fields until the harvest was completed.

The Lesson: Ruth’s hard work and diligence demonstrate the lessons of perseverance and dedication in the face of adversity. Despite facing challenges and working in difficult circumstances she doesn’t give up. Her willingness to do her best, even when the tasks seemed difficult, inspires us to approach our own work with a similar sense of determination and persistence. Ruth’s story teaches us that with hard work and diligence, we can overcome obstacles and be successful in whatever we do.

Don’t Lose Heart

Verse of the Day: Hebrews 12:3

Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

When you feel like you’re losing motivation or you feel like giving up, think of Jesus, the righteous and holy Son of God, who willingly endured suffering and death for the sake of humanity. His journey serves as an example for us, demonstrating the path of sacrifice and resilience in fulfilling our divine calling. Even though we may never be called to endure the extent of suffering that Jesus did, it’s essential to remain faithful in following our own calling. What we go through now is nothing compared to the glory God will reveal to us later. (Romans 8:18). Remember, your most difficult moments often precede the most triumphant chapters of your life. Keep fighting the good fight, stay strong in your faith, don’t lose heart, and never lose sight of the ultimate reward awaiting at the journey’s end.