
Verse of the Day: Hebrews 10:36

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

In challenging times, amid struggles, or when your life seems fruitless, be patient, stay strong, and don’t give up. Stay committed to the path set by God for you, even when faced with adversity, hurdles, or moments of despair. Don’t lose your confidence in God or in His promises; trust in His timing. Remember, you only fail if you quit. Press forward in alignment with God’s will, finish your race, and you shall attain the promised reward: eternal life.

Don’t Give Up, Give it to God

Verse of the Day:   Acts 20:19           

I served the Lord with great humility and with tears and in the midst of severe testing by the plots of my Jewish opponents.

Fruit of the Spirit: There will be times when you go through things so difficult you cannot see the light of day through your tears. There will be times when your Faith and your Patience are tested like never before. You might even feel like giving up on God but don’t give up, but that’s when you need Him the most. Like the Apostle Paul, we must practice humility, patience, and determination. Don’t give up, instead, give it all to God and continue serving Him even when you face challenges.

Don’t Give Up, Give It to God

Verse of the Day:   Acts 20:19           

I served the Lord with great humility and with tears and in the midst of severe testing by the plots of my Jewish opponents.

There will be times when you go through things so difficult you cannot see the light of day through your tears. There will be times when your faith and your patience are tested like never before. You might even feel like giving up on God but don’t give up, that’s when you need Him the most. Prayer is the most powerful weapon you have. Cry out to God, He hears you and He loves you. Continue to serve the Lord with humility through every trial and tribulation and He will see you through it. God is faithful and He promises to never leave you. With His help you can get through anything. Don’t give up, instead, give it all to God. Keep serving the Lord because it doesn’t matter who or what is against you when God is for you.

Father, even in the hardest times I know You are with me. Even when I have to cry out to You with tear-filled eyes I know You hear me, You love me, and You are for me. Lord, with Your help I know I can get through anything and I will continue to serve You. Amen

Be Strong & Don’t Give Up

Verse of the Day:  2 Chronicles 15:7

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.       

We all have times when we feel discouraged and we feel like giving up and quitting. Even the strongest warriors have moments of weakness. If the Lord has put a good work in your heart and has given you a dream, He will make a way for you to do it. That doesn’t mean it won’t be hard, because it might be, but that’s okay because God is on your side. What you do for the honor and glory of God will not be overlooked, on the contrary, it will be rewarded. Be strong and don’t give up, keep working for the Lord.

Lord, thank You for always being on my side. Even when I feel discouraged or feel like giving up, I know You are with me. Help me to stay strong and to keep working for Your honor and glory. Amen

Don’t You Give Up

Verse of the Day:  1 Kings 18:43-44 

“Go and look toward the sea”, he told his servant. And he went up and looked. There is nothing there,” he said. The seventh time the servant reported, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.”           

Even when you don’t see God working on your behalf He’s working. Even when you don’t feel God working for your good, He’s working. Keep trusting God, keep having faith in God, keep believing, keep hoping, keep praising Him and keep waiting for His favor no matter how long it takes for your prayers to be answered. God sees you and He hears you so don’t you give up. Praise God while you wait on Him even if it takes seven times or seven hundred times.

Dear Lord, Thank You for always being with me, even when I don’t see or feel You near me, I know that You are with me. Help me to stay strong when I am weak, help me to have faith in Your promises while I wait and help me to keep going when I feel like giving up. I need You in every moment of every day and I trust in You Lord. Amen

Seek the Lord

Verse of the Day:   Jeremiah 29:13   

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.           

A new year is the perfect time to start over. It’s a time of new beginnings, second, third, even ninety-ninth chances. It’s okay to start over, we serve a God of new beginnings. None of us are perfect but as long as you don’t completely give up, God will work with what you have right where you are. When you seek the Lord with a sincere heart you will find Him. God hears your prayers and knows your heart. God promises that if you humble yourself, pray, seek His face and turn from your sinful ways He will hear you. Make God a priority in the coming year by making time to read His Word and spending time with Him in prayer. God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you but it’s up to you to seek Him.

God Isn’t Finished with You Yet

Philippians 1:6

Verse of the Day:  Philippians 1:6     

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.         

Have you ever felt like it was taking way too long for God to change you? Maybe you have some bad habits or qualities you want to change or you feel you should be further along in your spiritual growth. You may have even wished you could rush God into changing you over night. I know I have, we all do, but it just doesn’t happen that way. Life is a journey that begins when we give our life to Jesus and happens one step at a time. Our final destination is heaven and along the way God is working on us, changing us, growing our faith and making us more like Christ. Be confident that in His own way and in His own timing He is changing you. We know this because He always finishes what He starts. When you feel like you’re not changing fast enough, have faith and trust that God is still working on you. As long as you don’t give up He will continue to work on those who love Him until Jesus comes for His church.

Look to the Lord for Strength

Verse of the Day:  1 Chronicles 16:11          

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.     

No matter how many times you cry out to God for strength He will be there. He hears you every single time. Don’t give up, don’t stop seeking the Lord. Don’t let anything keep you from seeking His face. God will give you the strength you need to get through anything. No matter what you face He is by your side and He will never leave you. If your soul is weary, if you’re going through troubled waters, if you’re facing temptations, whatever trials you are going through pour your heart out to God because He promises not only to give you strength but to be your strength.           

God Can Turn It Around

Genesis 50 20

Verse of the Day:  Genesis 50:20

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good, to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

This is one of my favorite Bible verses because it reminds me that no matter what the devil tries to use to harm us God can turn it around and it use it for good. God can use your past to help others and your deepest pain can be used to set your calling in motion. God has a plan and a purpose for your life so no matter you’ve been through, what’s been done to you or what you’ve done God can still use you for His purpose. Trust in God and don’t give up.