Devote Yourselves to Prayer

Verse of the Day:  Colossians 4:2     

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.  

One way to build your relationship with God is to spend time with Him in prayer. It’s the most personal way to experience God but often we forget, are too busy, lack spiritual discipline or are just too lazy to pray, but prayer is too important to neglect. Prayer doesn’t have to be formal. I encourage you to pray throughout your day but I also encourage you to dedicate a specific time each day to talk with the Lord and to listen to what He has to say. Come to Him with praise and thanksgiving, confess your sins and bring your requests to Him. Pray about anything and everything for nothing is too big or too small for God.  Praise Him for all that He is and thank Him for his love and mercy and for the gift of salvation. Lord, I am so grateful that I can come to You in prayer knowing that You hear every word and every unspoken word. In good times and bad times, You are always there for me. I just want to take this moment to say thank You for everything you have done for me. Amen