Personal Requests

Verse of the Day:  Matthew 6:8         

For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.

God already knows your needs before you ask but He still wants to hear your request and see you exercise your faith. Before you get on your knees to pray, God’s already making a way. Coming to God in prayer for your needs shows your reliance and dependence on Him. If there’s something you need, go directly to the source. Take it to God in prayer, be bold and confident with your personal requests and always pray with the right motives and according to His will.

Heavenly Father, You are the source of every good thing and I rely on Your goodness and kindness every day of my life. You know what I need before I even ask and I am so grateful. Lord, more than anything all I want is for Your will to be done in my life. Amen