Listening for God

Verse of the Day:  1 Samuel 3:10     

The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!”  Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

Prayer is not only about us talking to God, it’s also about actively listening to hear the voice of God. We may not hear an audible voice like Samuel did but we can learn to discern when God is speaking to us by testing it with some basic principles. (1 John 4:1) Ask yourself these questions: Does it agree with the Bible? Does it make me more like Christ? Does my church family confirm it? Is it consistent with how God shaped me? Does it concern my responsibility? Is it convicting rather than condemning? Do I sense God’s peace about it? (by Rick Warren) Spend time with God and be still. Listen with your heart and learn to recognize God’s voice.

Lord, thank You for hearing me when I come to You in prayer. Help me to be still so that I am able to recognize when You are speaking to me. Help me to shut out the noise of this world so that I may hear You clearly. I don’t ever want to miss out on what You have to say to me. Amen