For God’s Purpose

Verse of the Day:  Romans 6:13       

Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.

When you are born again, you have a new identity in Christ and you are no longer a slave to sin. You no longer have to give in to your sinful nature. You are no longer under the command of satan for sin, but under the command of God for righteousness. (Matthew Poole) Because you have been set free by the precious blood of Christ, you are now able to surrender your mind, body and soul to God. Devote yourself to righteousness and offer yourself to God in cheerful obedience as an instrument of faith, joy, hope, peace and love to be used for His purpose.

Lord, I am so grateful for the gift of salvation. I have been born again and am no longer a slave to sin. I give myself to You so You can use me for Your divine purpose. In Jesus’ Name, Amen