Overcome Your Unbelief

Verse of the Day: Mark 9:24  

Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”   

Every believer at one time or another has doubts, fear or times when their faith is weak. The enemy will try to destroy your faith by planting seeds of doubt in your mind. But, as long as you still have some faith, even as small as a mustard seed, God will work with what you have. If you still believe, God can change your heart, heal your body or move mountains for you. It’s not about your power or your strength, it’s about having faith in the power of Jesus Christ and believing that His grace is sufficient. When you feel doubt and fear creeping in ask God to strengthen your faith so that you can overcome your unbelief.

Lord, I admit that there are times when I feel doubt and fear but God, I know deep in my heart that with You all things are possible. Strengthen my faith so that I can overcome any unbelief. In Jesus’ Name, Amen