Lend a Helping Hand

Verse of the Day:  Proverbs 31:20    

She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.           

As godly women who love the Lord we should aspire to help the poor and needy. Do what you can for as many as you can when you can. That doesn’t mean we all have to do extraordinary things. Sometimes, it’s simply a kind word, a sincere gesture or lending a helping hand to someone in need. Each of you should do what God puts in your heart to do and do it with love, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminding me that just as I open my hand to receive blessings from You, I should also reach out my hand to bless others. May I be a kind and cheerful giver with my words and deeds. Amen