The Work of Our Hands

Verse of the Day:  Psalm 90:17         

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us — yes, establish the work of our hands.          

Whatever you do, you should do it for the Lord and do it for His honor and glory. Let God’s love shine in you so that others may see His goodness. Conduct yourself in a positive light so that the beauty of God can be seen in everything you do. No matter what your job is, pray that the Lord would help you to accomplish your goals. Ask Him to bless the work of your hands so that you may be fruitful and productive. Ask Him to help you enjoy your work so you can see Him glorified in all aspects of your job and when your work is demanding, pray for strength and a good attitude.

Heavenly Father, bless the work of my hands, let me be fruitful and productive so that You may be glorified. Give me strength to carry out the work You have given me to do and help me to have a good attitude even when it is difficult. Amen