Experience God for Yourself

Verse of the Day:  Psalm 34:8           

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

I am personally inviting you to experience the infinite goodness of the Lord. He is perfect in every way, the author of all good things, everything about Him is good and He loves you. Turn to Him, put your hope in Him and put your trust in Him alone. He is the only one that can fill your heart with peace. You will never know what it’s like to have a relationship with the Lord until you make an effort by faith to really seek and experience Him for yourself. A good place to start is by praying and reading the Word of God daily.

Lord, You are perfect in every way and everything about You is good. I want to seek You, I want to find You and I want to really know You. Lord, I trust in You with all of my heart and I want to experience Your love and goodness for myself. Amen

Let Your Light Shine

Verse of the Day:  Matthew 5:16       

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.         

Let your light shine by doing good deeds so that others will be led to glorify God. There are so many people in need of help right in your very own community. Safely volunteering your time at homeless shelters, food banks or at some other nonprofit organization that has a place in your heart will help people experience the love and goodness of God. When you love God with all your heart you can’t help but feel compassion for the poor and needy just like Jesus did. Let God’s love shine through you because faith without works is dead.

Heavenly Father, may my life and good deeds bless others today and every day. Let Your love flow through me to help those in need. Let them see You in me and may Your name be magnified. All the honor and glory belong to You. Amen

My Comforter

Verse of the Day:  Isaiah 49:13         

Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.  

The world attempts to comfort you and keep you content but the only place to find real peace, comfort and compassion is in the Lord. Shout for joy and rejoice because God loves and cares for His people. Pour out your heart in prayer, for the Lord will never forsake you. He will have compassion on you and His unfailing love will comfort you and give you peace. Though we may suffer, our heavenly Father is always there for us with open arms ready to wipe away our tears.

Heavenly Father, let Your unfailing love and compassion comfort me in my time of need. Father, wrap Your arms around me and bring me peace. Blessed be the name of the Lord! Amen

My Provider

Verse of the Day:  Philippians 4:19   

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 

If you’ve never gone through something so difficult that you can’t see how you’re going to make it through and you can’t see the light at the end of tunnel these may just feel like words on paper. But I’m here to tell you from personal experience that God will see you through hardships and He will provide for your needs if you trust Him with all of your heart. Turn to the Lord, He is the Light of the world, He is a way maker. It may not be in a way you were expecting but God will provide enough to meet your needs. In times of need, turn to God. In times of plenty, be a blessing to someone in need because sometimes God uses others to bless you and at other times He may ask you to be a blessing to someone else in need.

Lord, You know my every need before I even ask. You are a way maker when I can’t see a way. Lord, I trust in You to provide everything I need to live for You. You are all I need and more than I could ever hope for. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

A Friend in Jesus

Verse of the Day:  John 15:15           

I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

Although we are servants of Christ, Jesus has called you “friend”. We can trust Him as our Savior, serve Him as our King and depend on Him as our friend. How awesome to have a friend in Jesus. He knows you, He cares about you and He loves you more than you will ever know. Jesus always has your best interest at heart and He’ll never turn his back on you. He’ll never leave you, He’s always there for you and you can always count on Him. There is no friend like Jesus, He’s the best friend you’ll ever have.

Thank you Jesus for being the best friend anyone could ever have. You are always there for us, You always want the best for us and You loved us so much You gave Your life for us. We praise Your holy name! Amen

Morning Prayer

Verse of the Day:  Psalm 5:3 

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.       

The most important thing you can do to start your day is to spend time with the Lord in prayer.  Thank Him for waking you up and giving you another day of life. Praise the Him for His goodness and His mercy that starts new every morning. Lay your requests and concerns at His feet. Invite Him into every part of your day. Be consistent and diligent with your prayers, always praying with the confidence that God hears you. Make time to pray every morning and ask God to give you the peace and guidance you need to go through your day.

Heavenly Father, thank You for another day of life. I praise You for Your goodness and mercy. I invite You into every part of my day and ask that You would watch over me and protect me. Use me Lord, for Your purpose and for Your honor and glory. Amen

God Is with You in Every Season

Verse of the Day:  Ecclesiastes 3:1  

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.        

Everything has a time and a season. Everything from the creation of earth to the second coming of Jesus Christ and more have been preordained by God. There will be good times, hard times, growing times, quiet times, times of suffering, times of joy and everything in nature also has its season. Every season you can imagine have all been planned and are done according to and for God’s purpose. The most important thing you need to know is that you never have to go through a season alone. You may not understand why things happen the way they do but you need to trust in God and believe that He is with you in every season and He loves you more than you will ever know.

Thank You, Lord, for Your promise to always be with me no matter what season I am going through. In happy seasons I will praise You and I will do the same in difficult seasons for You are my God and I will trust in You through every season of my life. Amen

God Can Turn It Around

Verse of the Day:  Genesis 50:20     

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good, to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.   

This is one of my favorite Bible verses because it reminds me that no matter what the devil tries to use to harm us God can turn it around and it use it for good. God can use your past to help others and your deepest pain can be used to set your calling in motion. God has a plan and a purpose for your life so no matter you’ve been through, what’s been done to you or what you’ve done, God can still use you for His purpose. Trust in God and don’t give up.

Heavenly Father, thank You for taking what was meant to hurt me and using it for good. I was a mess but You’ve changed me and now I have a message of redemption. Thank You for saving me and giving me a purpose. Praise God! Amen

Relationship Goals

Verse of the Day:  1 John 5:20          

We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.     

Do you know about Jesus or do you really know Him on a personal level? Just knowing who He is, is not enough. Our goal in life should be to really get to know Christ by having a deep and personal relationship with Him for through Him we belong to God. What a privilege it is to have been given the knowledge of Christ our Lord and Savior and to believe and trust in Him who came to give us eternal life.

Lord, I want to know You and love You more and more each day. Remove anything that is keeping me from getting closer to You so that I may have a deep and personal relationship with You. Amen

Live for Jesus

Verse of the Day:  Romans 6:23       

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.          

We were all born into a world of sin and at the end of a life of sin is eternal damnation; but because Jesus gave His life to pay for our sins we have been offered the gift of salvation and eternal life in heaven. God loves us so much that He gave His only Son so that we could be saved. Even though the road may be narrow and often difficult at times, we can be sure that in the end, we will have a blessed everlasting life with the Lord. Because He died for us we should live our lives for Him. How do we live for Jesus? Jesus said, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. (Mark 12:30).

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your only Son who gave his for us that we might be saved. Because He died for me I want to live for Him by loving You with all my heart and soul and with all my mind and strength. Help me to live a righteous and holy life that brings honor and glory to You. Amen