How Great is Our God!

Verse of the Day:  Psalm 145:8         

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in mercy.           

Where would we be if not for God’s grace, compassion, patience and mercy?  We serve a mighty God who can do anything and although we don’t deserve any of His compassion and goodness, He still loves us. He loves us so much and is so merciful that He sent His only Son to come into the world to redeem sinners by dying on the cross and paying the ultimate price for our sin. God loves us so much He made a way for us to be saved so we can spend eternity with Him. Proclaim with me the Lord’s greatness; let us praise His name together! (Psalm 34:3) How great is our God!

Lord, Your love is so overwhelming and wonderful. I could never thank You enough for your compassion, grace and mercy. You are awesome and perfect in every way and I praise Your holy name! Amen