You Are Precious in His Sight

Verse of the Day: Isaiah 43:4

Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life.

Do you see yourself the way God sees you? Here’s a reminder for you just in case you have forgotten. You are precious in God’s sight, and He never makes mistakes. You are not just a creation; you are a priceless jewel in His eyes. You belong to God, having been lovingly adopted into His family and as His child, you are also an heir to His kingdom. This is a powerful reminder of God’s love, protection, and commitment to His people, because they are precious and honored in His sight. Stop worrying about how the world perceives you and start seeing yourself through God’s eyes – as His cherished child. Embrace your worth and live in a way that reflects God’s love.

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