Give Hope

Psalm 9:18

Verse of the Day:  Psalm 9:18           

But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.

As we begin to immerse ourselves into the holiday season let’s not forget those in need. There are so many ways we can help the less fortunate. God supplies all your needs out of the abundance of grace and mercy He has for His people. Through Christ we have an everlasting hope and we know that we will not be forgotten. We may forget about God, but He never forgets about us. Likewise, He never forgets the needy nor should we. Ask God to lead you in finding a way to help those in need this holiday season and throughout the year. Let Him work through you as you donate your time, money, food or services. A little help goes a long way and gives so much hope to many.

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