Choosing Friends

Verse of the Day:  Proverbs 12:26    

The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.                    

Choosing the right kind of friends is actually a big deal because whether you realize it or not, you become like the people you spend the most time with. Surround yourself with people who encourage you and make a positive impact in your life.  Your friends should inspire and motivate you to do good and be a better person. Take a look at who you spend the most time with and ask yourself if they are the type of people God would want you to be around. Are they equally yoked? Do they have the same values? Do they make your relationship with God stronger? Choose your friends wisely and strive to be a good friend too.

Heavenly Father, I humbly come before You asking You for wisdom and discernment when it comes to choosing friends. I ask for Your help in finding people who will encourage, inspire and motivate me to be a better person. I ask that You would put people in my life that exude honesty, integrity and godliness. Lord, help me to also be a good friend, always willing to help, to be a blessing and to do all things in love. Amen

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